Launched in 2024, Headline Press is a home for thought-provoking books that challenge and inspire. Cementing Headline’s rapidly growing reputation for serious non-fiction with broad commercial appeal, the list focuses on politics and current affairs, history, smart thinking, personal development, popular science and memoir. Our mission is to publish authentic, accessible and authoritative voices, aimed at the widest possible audience.
Our authors include Victoria Bateman, Gabriella Bennett, Andrew Bustamante, Tim Coulson, Jess Davies, Ashley Douglas, Laura Hamer, Bethany Handley, Grace Ioppolo, Valentine Low, Theresa May, Amanda Nguyen, Massimo Pigliucci, Madeleine Pownall, Louise Radnofksy, Michael Sheridan, Danny Sriskandarajah, Christopher Stephens, John Sweeney, Bonnie Tsui, Sonja C. Vernes and Haru Yamada