Jackie Lynch

Jackie Lynch (Dip ION, mBANT) qualified as a Registered Nutritional Therapist at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition and launched the WellWellWell clinic in London, where she now practises. Jackie is a regular contributor to the Mail on Sunday with regular features in the health pages. She also writes the I Am What I Eat column for Reveal Magazine as well as articles for Top Santé and Net Doctor. Most recently, Jackie appeared in the latest series of Channel 4’s Superfoods. She was the nutrition expert at the Menopause – The Silent Taboo panel discussion, organised by the Wellbeing of Women charity and moderated by Kirsty Wark. A sought-after speaker, Jackie runs regular nutritional seminars and workshops for blue-chip companies such as Bloomberg, PWC and Thales. Since 2011, Jackie has been the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition. Jackie’s first book, The Right Bite was Netgalley Book of the Month.
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