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Search Results for: little book of

Showing 1-24 of 469 results for little book of

The Little Book of ANZACS

The Little Book of ANZACS

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Young nations do the bidding of empire and send their youth to a faraway war.

Their soldiers arrive with a reputation for rebelling against authority and ill-discipline. They fight in an ill-fated campaign, under foreign command, against a well dug in enemy.

Month after month they shoot and die in a whirling furnace of shrapnel and cordite. The men and their enemy, the air and the trenches: filled with blood, dust, ice, and fire.

The disrespect for authority remains. But in the heat of battle – the infantrymen youth of Australia and New Zealand carve a reputation for bravery and recklessness, for discipline under fire, for cheerfulness, ingenuity and mateship. The sacrifice of the ordinary men and women of the ANZACS birth a legend that inspires today.

ANZAC came to mean more than a Corp of men or a site of landing. The ANZAC story is the tale of new world nations, fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with the old, and being up to the test.

‘Fierce with the anger of men who had seen their mates fall… they fire until their barrels are too hot to touch.’
E.C. Bulley

‘I hope you in Australia are not ashamed of us; we have done our bit and no blame can fall on us.’
Lieutenant Noel McShane of the AIF’s 1st Battalion
The Little Book of Mantras

The Little Book of Mantras

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For yoga and meditation practice, for daily affirmation and mental health, for manifestation and cleansing, and for setting specific intentions, here are over 100 mantras for different times of the day, such as at meals, with exercise or spiritual practice and before bedtime. They include traditional Sanskrit invocations from the Bhagavad Gita as well as modern interpretations, and the book also encourages you to set your own.

A self-help tool that uses repetitive sounds to reach the subconscious mind, mantras will help counter negative self-talk, empower you to achieve your goals, and help you gain greater focus and clarity, as well as a sense of positivity, happiness, peace and wellbeing.

‘I am enough. Who I am is enough. What I do is enough, and what I have is enough.’ Anonymous

The earliest mantras were composed in Vedic Sanskrit in India and thought to be at least 3,000 years old.
The Little Book of Canada

The Little Book of Canada

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Canada is repeatedly ranked the world’s most favourite tourist destination. And there’s a lot of reasons why. It is a nation of vast, unspoiled wilderness, and yet you still get the feeling everyone still knows each other’s name. It has a ton of bears. And maple syrup. And lakes. Great lakes, the best. And a handsome, competent Prime Minister.

The Little Book of Canada – a compact companion stuffed to the Gills (a common Canadian surname, FYI) with so much fun stuff you’ll pass your citizenship test with flying colours. This tiny tome celebrates almost everything that is unique, special, and ‘nice’ about Canada because, quite frankly, Canada deserves it more than any other place on earth.

‘I believe the world needs more Canada.’

‘Canada is the essence of not being. Not English, not American, it is the mathematics of not being.’
Mike Myers
The Little Book of Bullshit

The Little Book of Bullshit

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The Golden Age of Bullshit.

Welcome to the golden age of bullshit, a wiki-wild world knee deep in half-truths and alternative facts, spin and bias, influence and insincerity, little white lies and tall tales, falsehoods and propaganda, and all sorts of other baloney designed to disguise fact from fiction. We live in a post truth, fake news, world where nothing is quite as it seems and everything you read should be seen before believed. But isn’t.

From Brexit buses to Donald Trump, the University of Google to misleading advertising claims, and everything in-between, the bullshit keeps getting bigger and stronger and the lies are turning truer every day. It’s time to call bullshit on bullshit!

The Little Book of Bullshit is the ideal antidote everybody needs to fight the influx of excessive lying and cheating and defrauding that has come to define the 21st century, a tiny tome stuffed with delightfully witty snack-sized nuggets of facts and stats and quotes and boasts all related to the ever-expanding world of bullshit.

“The first rule of bullshit is that it must be believable.”
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

“I’m almost finished…”
All of us, at some point in our lives
The Little Book of Scotland

The Little Book of Scotland

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Land of spectacular landscapes, rich history and fabulous legends.

With its jaw-dropping beauty, magnificent architecture, superb art and culture, and friendly, hospitable people, Scotland is consistently ranked as one of the world’s best-loved destinations.

Packed full of fabulous facts, as well as wise and witty quotes from famous Scots, The Little Book of Scotland captures the nation at its glorious best. Covering everything from sparkling lochs and brooding castles to spellbinding legends and famous sons and daughters – not to mention tartan, haggis and whisky – it’s a wonderful celebration of this vibrant, extraordinary land.

‘This is a city of shifting light, of changing skies, of sudden vistas. A city so beautiful it breaks the heart again and again.’
Alexander McCall Smith, on Edinburgh

‘There are two seasons in Scotland: June and winter.’
Billy Connolly

The Edinburgh International Festival is one of the largest performing arts festivals in the world. It attracts over 300,000 people annually.

Scotland has more than 790 islands, 94 of which are inhabited. One of its most famous and spectacular is the enchanting Isle of Skye. It is the second-biggest island, though it has more sheep than people.

Scotland’s national dish is the much-loved haggis. It is made with the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep, which are boiled in the animal’s stomach.
The Little Book of Sunshine

The Little Book of Sunshine

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Bringing rays of happiness and hope, one page at a time.

Packed full of sayings, quotes, personal mantras and oodles of positivity, The Little Book of Sunshine is the perfect tool to pierce through any gathering dark clouds. Celebrating the rejuvenating power of sunshine and the green shoots of hope it brings, this book is the inspiration you’re looking for when you’re in need of some summery vibes on dark days.

With affirmations to start your day, news stories that will put a smile on your face and ideas to bring happiness to other people’s lives, as well as some of the little things in life that give people untold joy – this is the silver lining you’ve been looking for.

From the fragile beauty of sunrise to the majestic calm of sunset, the sun’s rays nourish us throughout the day, bringing us light, warmth, growth and the promise of daily renewal. Who doesn’t love to raise their face to the sun and bask in the glow? This cheerful, uplifting book is a little ray of sunshine in your pocket whenever you’re feeling down.

“Keep your face always towards the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you.”
Anonymous proverb

Did you know sunshine improves your sleep and reduces stress through regulating your melatonin levels; strengthens your immune system by increasing your vitamin D; and fights depression by boosting your serotonin?
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